The Tote Hotel has SOLD. With over 150 enquiries on this icon­ic prop­er­ty dur­ing the cam­paign the Tote Hotel 61 – 71 John­ston Street has SOLD!

In a state­ment, Jon Per­ring, cur­rent co-own­er of the Tote said it was with great relief” that they sold the venue to Last Chance.
They will bring fresh ener­gy and a new vision to the Tote, which is need­ed for it to con­tin­ue to be the bea­con of local rock’n’roll – the cul­ture that we all love,” Per­ring said. We wish them all the very best.”

This was a great out­come for both Ven­dor and Pur­chas­er and the broad­er music com­mu­ni­ty.

If you are con­sid­er­ing buy­ing or sell­ing com­mer­cial prop­er­ty please con­tact our direc­tors Richard Miglic or Kather­ine Dean