Owners miglic

We pro­vide a bou­tique Own­ers Cor­po­ra­tion Man­age­ment ser­vice specif­i­cal­ly for com­mer­cial and commercial/​residential com­bi­na­tion type buildings.

Our ser­vices include:

  • Prepa­ra­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion of notices, agen­das and minutes
  • Keep­ing and main­tain­ing the Owner’s Cor­po­ra­tion reg­is­ter and records
  • Man­age­ment of all ser­vice agree­ments (includ­ing obtain­ing com­pet­i­tive quotes and reassess­ing lev­el of ser­vice as required
  • Arrang­ing for essen­tial safe­ty main­te­nance (com­plete fire and safe­ty ser­vices for the building)
  • Arrang­ing for quotes repairs (includ­ing through­out the defect peri­od for new builds)
  • Arrang­ing for main­te­nance of insur­ance – includ­ing claims and renewals
  • Man­age­ment of all finan­cial mat­ters (state­ments, bud­get­ing, levies, audit­ing and pay­ment of invoices)
  • Pro­vid­ing own­ers cor­po­ra­tion certificates
  • Ensur­ing com­pli­ance with the Own­ers Cor­po­ra­tions Act 2006, the Own­ers Cor­po­ra­tions Reg­u­la­tions 2007 and rules.