Award 3

We are very pleased to announce that Miglic Dean has been named a final­ist in the 2020 Real Estate Insti­tute of Vic­to­ria (REIV) Com­mer­cial and Indus­tri­al awards for Best OVER­ALL Cam­paign by a Small Agency (under 25 employ­ees) and Best Leas­ing Cam­paign (bud­get under $10,000). This is great recog­ni­tion for our agency and the suc­cess of our cam­paigns. Did you know we have some of the high­est return on invest­ment (ROI) for our cam­paigns in the country.

Con­tact our direc­tors to find out how we can work with you.

Richard Miglic — richard@​miglicdean.​com.​au 0418 556 900
Kather­ine Dean — katherine@​miglicdean.​com.​au 0437 254 462