We often get asked the ques­tion by own­ers about prepar­ing their cold-shell spaces (in par­tic­u­lar new devel­op­ments) for sale or lease. It’s a good ques­tion as it’s impor­tant to present a great blank can­vas, but keep in mind most occu­piers will be doing a sig­nif­i­cant fit-out to the space.
💎 We are reg­u­lar­ly engaged at the con­struc­tion stage, where adver­tis­ing mate­r­i­al is pre­dom­i­nant­ly ren­ders, as the build­ing pro­gress­es to com­ple­tion it’s impor­tant to get images of the space onto adver­tis­ing plat­forms so poten­tial buy­ers & occu­piers can see the progress.
🎨 Once the project is close to com­ple­tion it can add sig­nif­i­cant val­ue to the cam­paign to present a great blank can­vas, grind­ing and seal­ing the con­crete slab, adding base light­ing or ameni­ties, thor­ough clean­ing or win­dows and gen­er­al clean­ing through­out (quite often com­mer­cial spaces are used as the site office!).
To take the prepa­ra­tion to the next lev­el, base lev­el ameni­ties, bath­rooms, HVAC can be installed (or at min­i­mum have all base works in order), this goes for grease inter­cep­tors and base light­ing as well.
🤩 Adver­tis­ing: Now that your space shines, let the world know! 📢 Pro­fes­sion­al pho­tos includ­ed with the orig­i­nal ren­ders, adver­tis­ing across all elec­tron­ic media and detailed infor­ma­tion of the site spec­i­fi­ca­tions read­i­ly avail­able for any own­er or occu­pi­er. Site adver­tis­ing is also crit­i­cal, inter­nal win­dow stick­ers or high access boards can pro­vide your prop­er­ty with great local expo­sure.
Pre­sent­ing a great blank can­vas is a key step to help buy­ers and ten­ants see the poten­tial of a space they can cus­tomize to fit their vision.