Hap­py New Year & Wel­come to 2022!

Life in com­mer­cial prop­er­ty is look­ing bright once again with 1051 Sil­ver St, Colling­wood LEASED in less than one week!

This is an ele­gant indus­tri­al-style bou­tique office/​studio of 54 SQM. A beau­ti­ful­ly refur­bished saw­tooth-roof build­ing with lift access, air-con­di­tion­ing and pol­ished con­crete floors.

We are see­ing a high demand for qual­i­ty prop­er­ties like this as the new year kicks off. Be sure con­tact us to find out more infor­ma­tion about our unique high-qual­i­ty spaces!