Brunswick St 1

The Nurs­ery on Brunswick Street, a stun­ning build-to-rent mixed res­i­den­tial & com­mer­cial devel­op­ment designed by the award-win­ning Clare Cousins Archi­tects. The build­ing pays homage to its pre­vi­ous life with the cre­ation of a new pur­pose-built nurs­ery gar­den to which the build­ing envelops, not to men­tion green cre­den­tials (8kW solar sys­tem, bike and car charg­ing, use of recy­cled mate­ri­als from the orig­i­nal build­ing, & incred­i­ble ener­gy rat­ing). It’s been our absolute priv­i­lege to work with our amaz­ing client on this project, from the Cer­tifi­cate of Occu­pan­cy issued in Feb­ru­ary to close to full occu­pan­cy a month lat­er. From leas­ing analy­sis, through to mar­ket­ing the prop­er­ties, lease nego­ti­a­tion and com­plete build­ing man­age­ment includ­ing ten­an­cies and owner’s cor­po­ra­tion, let MIGLIC DEAN be part of your team. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion or con­fi­den­tial dis­cus­sion of your project, con­tact our direc­tor Kather­ine (katherine@​miglicdean.​com.​au)