SOLD 157 Elgin St

A fab­u­lous result for both Ven­dor and Purchaser

Client Review”

The per­son­alised atten­tion of a senior part­ner made sell­ing with a small­er com­mer­cial agency like Miglic Dean a very pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence. Katherine’s calm, assured man­ner and high­ly knowl­edge­able, well-researched approach engen­dered full con­fi­dence in the mar­ket val­u­a­tion and a mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy that attract­ed strong atten­tion. The pur­chas­er came from estab­lished agency con­tacts and we accept­ed an offer at the upper end of best expec­ta­tions a week in advance of sched­uled auc­tion. Sat­is­fied it was an excel­lent out­come for both par­ties. Very high­ly rec­om­mend­ed”. B Mud­dle.